Kiki's Life Followers

About Me

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I'm not too complicated. I'm a 5'-11" single lady who loves to travel whenever I get the chance. Working as a freelance barber/hair stylist gives me the freedom to do so. Love to meet and greet folks as long as you're on the up & up! Don't need no dead-beats in my corner. Love to chat about various subject on even more various levels. Don't ask a question if you really don't want to hear my answer! How's that!?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What A Difference 2 Days Make!

Hey now...

Well you've seen the devastation Gout can do if your diet, acid, weight, etc. is out of whack. I managed to get to the clinic to be seen this past Monday, March 23 to finally get some pain and Gout meds to help me with this problem. Of course I got the prescriptions filled the same day and what a relief in a day and a half. A lot of the swelling has subsided but still red and tender but at least I can stand and walk on it with little or no effort. So attached are the latest pics. I'll be really on my feet in no time

Until next time...


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Spring!!!

Well people I hope the Spring time will bring you new beginnings and end the old crap you've been going through thus far. This is a grand time to start projects, or at least finish the old ones; like that book you couldn't wait to read but for some reason you're still on chapter 1.

As for me, well Mother Nature started my Spring time with GOUT! Oh the pain of having to limp across the floor just to get to the toilet and you've pissed all the way there (LOL)... well almost. Gout is a painful arthritic condition that happens to mostly males but some females (I am a lady) will get it due to the body being too acidic. So the trick is to get it back to the balance of akaline/acidic! Pain meds tend to knock the edge off but taking too much (NSaids) may make it possible to be my last pain. I'd be dead for sure.

So attached are pics taken from yesterday and today. I've did the epsom salt soaks but for whatever reason it's not working this time. I have an appt. at the clinic Monday @ 10am. So I'm looking forward to some kind of help here. Can't wear all those cute sandals when your foot looks like this.

Well wish me luck. Hope you all have a blessed weekend and enjoyed the Spring. It snowed here in NYC. Give love and save some for yourself...

Blessed Be,